Getting Vertical
August 17th is a day for the record books. It was the date that Tania & I each individually came into Andy's bedroom and found him standing up in his crib - a full 2 months earlier than his big brother! And 2 days later, as you can see, he has already become a pro. Can re-baby-proofing the house be far behind?
The last few weeks have been pretty challenging ones for ole' Blue Eyes and even more challenging for Mommy. We think Andy might have had a bout of infant chicken pox - he had about 10 bumps on his body and a temperature for 3 days. As a result he was up several nights in the middle of the need feeling pretty grumpy. What else is going on in Andy land? We confirm that his genetic DNA is closely related to his brother and Daddy (and, I guess, all of the male species) because he is obsessed with remote controls, telephones, the computer and his favorite meal has become wires. In fact, he is below my chair as I type trying to get the computer cables between his shiny new set of teeth. In addition to the 2 charming baby bottom teeth he now has an matching pair emerging from the top. So he also now eats Cheerios - he skipped right by those wimpy Rice Krispies. And Jacob is doing well, too. He has grown out of his temper tantrum phase (momentarily, I'm sure) and has decided to stay in his classroom every morning in stead of driving Mommy crazy. Maybe Pavlov had a point? Chocolate ice cream good, naughty corner bad. He sure does love his chocolate, our boy. No mistaking from that chocolatey smile in the picture.
And he is maturing in so many other ways. (Note: all non parents skip to the next paragraph as you won't appreciate this one ;-) I remember Tania once told me that one of her mom's favorite child milestones was when the kids could blow their own noses. That must be such an wintery, East Coast pleasure. My favorite milestone to date has just been crossed. When Jacob "goes poo" he now wipes his own bum afterward AND washes his hands. YES! Nose blowing? He can save that for first grade as far as I'm concerned.
Uncle Matt is still with us. It has been enjoyable spending so much time with my little bro - even if it is just late night after a long day at work watching Jon Stewart together. I think he secretly watches them before I get home and then re-watches them with me later on. Just a guess. He has been staying in NorCal while Adrienne is back in San Diego trying to finalize a buyer for their house. Matt has a job in South San Francisco and they are planning to relocate permanently up here (if anything is permanent these days). It will be great to have them nearby and, as I witnessed with Chris & Katie, it is great for older cousins to play with younger ones - a fruitful two-way relationship. I haven't managed to snap any good photos of Matt with the kiddies - I guess I'm too tired every evening. Note to self: must do better.
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