Friday, January 06, 2006

Whew! All Done

I guess the image says it all. The bris was a wonderful opportunity to get our friends and family together to celebrate the miracle of birth.

I wrote the words above nearly 2 weeks ago and had intended many entries since then. The "new baby G-ds" have been conspiring against me. What has happened since I first typed the above words and uploaded the picture?

1. Many nights of very little sleep with Baby Andy up crying much of the night.

2. A few mishaps at work, which led to conference calls at midnight with most of my staff and board members still in Europe.

3. Tania's mom, Kay, had to go to the hospital (at Stanford) and has been there ever since (6 days now). She has an intestinal ailment that will require surgery. All our thoughts are with her. She is a very strong lady and is being brave. But it can't be fun to be in the hospital 3,000 miles from home. One bit of ironic hospital humour that only Kay could come up with. She hasn't eaten in a week and is, unfortunately, having to share a room with somebody else. The family of her roommate brought in Kentucky Fried Chicken, which left a smell in the room for an entire night. Exactly what you want when your only diet is drip feed liquid!

4. As a result of Kay being in the hospital I helped out with Jacob one fateful Friday morning to give Mommy some extra sleep. On Jacob's play date at the park he went down the slide with his Daddy and came down with a broken leg. Just what we needed, hey? I guess I am more useful at work. Jacob is doing well. The fracture is in two places on the tibia (larger bone below the knee) but is only hairline. He will be in a cast for about a month. I'm told by everybody in the hospitals that this is one of the most common ways that little kids break their legs - NOW THEY TELL ME! They should post signs at all playground! They also tell me that many dogs break their legs this way, too. The slide down with kids.

5. Just to pour salt on wounds - Jacob came home from the hospital and picked up a stomach virus. After a painful night in bed with Codiene (spelling?) we woke up the next day and had vomitting all afternoon. Oh, what fun. The nurse also told me that this is very common (to pick up a virus at the hospital when you come to the emergency room with a broken bone). She could have told me before and I would have masked him in the emergency room! Anyway, at least she was very nice.

So it is now Sunday. I half watched both NFL conference games. I seem to half watch everything these days. Two boring games with the right results. Anyway, I better help Tania out now. I'll try to get some new pictures up soon - before I get bollocked any more!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh goodness! I was wondering what happened to the Suster blog. Poor little Jacob. Wow. I think I'll need a little more info on how that happened so that we don't end up with any broken legs over here. That's awful for Tania's mom too. KFC....yummmmmmmy. I hope Andy starts sleeping for you guys. The beginning is SOOOOO hard. Take care!

7:33 AM


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