Sunday, May 21, 2006

Andy's First Tooth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, no pictures but had to tell you. Andy's first tooth broke through his bottom gums. 4.5 months is the exact same as Jacob. When asked for his quote, Jacob said (in all seriousness), "Andy is such a cutie pie, I love being a big brother."

Second quick story. Cousin Katie (9 years old) spoke with Tania last week and asked if there was any "sibling rivarlry" between Jacob and Andy. Tania laughed, said "no," and asked if Katie could spell "precocious." 9 year old? Sibling rivalry? Whoa.

Third quick story. Tom, Moni and Rowan weren't able to visit. We were sad not to see them but hopefully they can make it down to Annapolis in late June.

Fourth quick story. Poor Elliott Yamin. We voted for him. Okay, so he looks like an elf. And he doesn't have pizzazz. But he was the most earnest guy and had a wonderful, smooth voice. And at least he wasn't in love with himself like Katharine McPhee. Anyway, we all know that Chris Daughtry should have won anyways. Hopefully the Hunters will be coming over Tuesday night for the finals.



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