Saturday, June 03, 2006

No Title Required!

Okay, I know exactly what you're thinking. But it isn't true. Daddy didn't decide to revisit his 1980's glam rock days by dressing up Andy in this outfit. In fact, all of these shenanigans occurred while I was asleep in bed. I was on the late shift last night and had dueling crying babies from 3:30-4:30.

So this morning I didn't make it downstairs until 8:00 and Mommy had a bit of fun with the dress-up basket she bought for Jacob. And you can see who her accomplices were!

I just got done putting Jacob to bed. He explored his usual imagination with the truth during "let's talk" time. It went something like this ...

- Let's talk
- Okay, what do you want to talk about?
- Stuff
- Stuff?
- NO! Jeff.
- Oh. Uncle Jeff?
- Yeah, Uncle Jeff.
- What about Uncle Jeff? (who he hasn't seen in a year - what a memory!)
- He is a cowboy, just like me
- Oh?
- Yeah, but he doesn't have a hat like Andy.
- He doesn't have a hat?
- No because, because he has long hair (he doesn't)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

he sounds funny

7:57 AM


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